重檐硬山顶楼房。由智圆和尚创建于民国八年(1919);改革开放后及近年均有维修。一楼为慈荫堂 (陶思曾书匾),供奉清代中兴祖师慈运长老像;西侧室新辟为桂仑禅师纪念堂。二楼系玉佛阁(性空老和尚书匾),新辟作报恩讲堂,为常住开会、学习之场所。
Jade Buddha Pavilion
This is a double-eaves two-story classic Buddhist building, which was built by Master Zhiyuan in the 8th year since the Republic of China was founded in 1919 and has been renovated several times during the years since the Reform. Ciying Hall (board inscribed by Tao Sizeng) on the ground floor enshrines the sculpture of the Revival Master, Venerable Abbot Ciyun. The western chamber in the hall is devoted to the memory of Master Guilun.
Jade Buddha Pavilion on the second floor with its board inscribed by Venerable Master Xingkong, now serves as Bao’en lecture hall, where masters and monks meet and study Buddhist sutras.
地址:中国宁波市鄞州区百丈路183号 邮编:315040 电话:0574-87755337 / 87756555 传真:0574-87710602
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